Trow Group Tonga – Diverting Waste
Back CASE STORY Trow Group Tonga – Diverting Waste OVERVIEW: Just a little update from our division in Tonga who are continuing to thrive! With multiple picnic tables, bar learners, bar stools, birdhouses, gardening pots for walls, kids tables & chairs and...
Bicultural Social Services Assignment
Back CASE STORY Bicultural Social Services Assignment at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa OVERVIEW: POV: You are lost in this society that is moving too fast and it becomes hard to grasp ahold of. However, as you become exposed to the help available around you, you start to...
Back CASE STORY P.O.P UP MAKETI 834 OVERVIEW: Firstly what an amazing event Trow Group had the honour of hosting last Friday afternoon! P.O.P UP MAKETI 834 What an outcome we had thanks to the Te Atatū Community who came out to farewell the iconic, the great, and the...
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