TROW Group is an experienced provider of maintenance services to Government, Council and the private sector. We offer a range of quality maintenance services to suit both commercial and residential needs.
Maintenance and repair specialist.
Our team is experienced at providing a wide variety of specialist maintenance services to support Government and Council to maintain public infrastructure.
TROW Group provides quality maintenance, care and repairs to an exceptional standard.
Our service expertise includes:
- additions and alterations
- road renewal
- drainage repairs including stormwater
- footpath renewals
- excavation
- key site work including foundations, slab prep and bandaging
- cutting, forming, scoping, battering, trenching and shoring
- vegetation control
- project management

TROW Group undertake roadside vegetation control and maintenance work for the Auckland System Management (ASM). ASM operates and maintains of Auckland’s extensive motorway network totalling 456 kilometres and approximately 420 kilometres of stormwater pipes.