Rt Hon Dame Cindy Kiro Visit
Her Excellency the Governor General of Aotearoa, Dame Cindy Kiro said:
“I can see and feel the heart in your work and I feel humbled by your service in action and excited about the many possibilities that will open for our Maori and Pasifika whanau.
Today, I feel honoured to have witnessed leaders from Moana Nui a Kiwa stepping up with courage, pride, and honour to lead the charge of being part of the solution for our children and families. We are the ones we are waiting for, we are the ones who will lead us to the new world!!
‘Let us not be defined by the smallness of our Island Nations but by the vastness of our Ocean…we are Oceania…we are Moana Nui a Kiwa’ – Prof Epeli Hau’ofa”
Watch the full video on Facebook her “Building the Future, Restoring the Past”e: Governor-General visits TROW Group